Executive Skills Coaching for Kids


3 Month Coaching Program for Middle and High School

Launching March 1, 2022

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Does your child:

  • Procrastinate

  • Jump from one activity to another without finishing

  • Have trouble keeping desk or room neat and organized

  • Forget to do things they’ve promised

  • Are chronically running late

  • Lose their cool when people don’t do what they think they should

  • Struggle to come up with Plan B or accept when things don’t go their way

  • Fritter away time when there’s work to be done

 … then we have a solution for you.

Parenting Post-Pandemic

Life post pandemic has certainly gotten more complex and demanding than it was even a few years ago.

Jobs today pressure parents to work faster and harder, and more jobs involve working nonstandard hours online from home.

 This may make it easier to physically be there when the kids get home from school, but it also blurs the line between work life balance that leave us trying to multitask despite having now learned that our brains aren’t really good at that.

How many of the following apply to you or to people you live or work with?

  • Work that doesn’t fit into the traditional 8-hour work day.

  • Poor work/home life balance that leaves you feeling guilty that you’re not handling either well.

  • Cell phone access to work email and calls 24/7 that makes you feel you can’t disconnect—and then using the same technology to try to escape!

  • Conflicts between parents blaming each other for not pulling their weight keep things running smoothly at home.

  • Conflicts between parents and kids because kids don’t seem to realize that there’s a future out there that they’re completely unprepared for.

  • A daily schedule that requires us to juggle multiple home, work, school, sports, and family responsibilities.

All these things challenge us because we’re maxing out that part of our brain that is designed to manage complexity. Behind our forehead, the prefrontal cortex is the part of our brain that performs a set of skills called executive functioning skills that help us manage the tasks of daily life. The better they work, the better able we are both to develop a plan to achieve life goals that are satisfying to us. Conversely, the weaker these skills are, the more likely we are to struggle with the demands routinely placed on us by work, school, home, and family life.

12 Executive Functioning Skills

·      Response inhibition

·      Working memory

·      Emotional control

·      Task initiation

·      Sustained attention

·      Planning/prioritizing

·      Organization

·      Time management

·      Flexibility

·      Metacognition

·      Goal-directed persistence

Our mission

Our mission is to give your child the tools and strategies for improving the executive skill weaknesses the need to work on to end the struggle, fighting and de-motivation they may be feeling and replace that with success, confidence, and improved moods.

Science now tells us that neuroplasticity (the ability of the brain to change over time and with targeted practice) continues throughout our lives, and not just during early childhood.   While it takes more effort and sustained practice to change the brains of adults, it is much easier to achieve successful results in children and teenagers! 

Our goal for our coaching program is to help kids understand their unique set of executive skills to combat the pressures they face at home, at school, and in their relationships.

What we do

1.     First, we evaluate the current state of affairs at home and school and give them a quiz to identify their executive skills profile.

2.     With these results we can then show them how they can use their strengths to override their weaknesses.

3.     We describe ways they can modify their environment to reduce the impact of their executive skill weaknesses.

4.     We review a variety of strategies they might use to improve their executive skill weaknesses and help them identify which strategies they would be most likely to use consistently given their personality and preferences.

5.     We then check in DAILY for quick 15 minute follow ups on using the strategies and creating the accountability needed to really establish the new behavior patterns. 

The Key

This is the key that makes us different!  Daily check-ins will provide scaffolding they need until the skills and habits are learned and stable, until we work ourselves out of a job!  And daily check-ins are precisely what makes this a challenge for parents to simply do on their own. 

Regular life is overwhelming as it is, this extra step is something that might easily be skipped a day or two… or ten… leading to an argument when your teen has fallen behind in submitting assignments or a bad grade alerts you to the fact the study routine has fallen by the wayside. 

The EFS Coaching Program Includes:

§  1 intake assessment to gather baseline information about home and school and go over EFS quiz results (given at registration), review strategies and create a plan of action.

§  Weekly 30 min overviews (Sunday or Monday) at the start of the week to choose the strategies that would best work for the particular tasks at hand (projects, exams, college applications, balancing extra curriculars etc).

§  Daily 15 min check-ins 4x a week (Monday-Thursday or Tuesday-Friday depending on start day) to follow up on the success of the previous day, work through any challenges, and pump them up for getting the work done today!

o   Keep in mind the vibe of these check-ins is not reprimanding, emotionally charged, laden with disappointment or pressure the way teens may perceive parent daily involvement in their academics or chores to be.  This is the key to our program being successful- the psychological safety and emotional distance that we provide that simply can’t be separated from the parent child relationship. 

o   Our coaches are energetic, supportive, encouraging but consistent and focused on the solution.  We have no power to provide consequences the way a parent might, we simply help them see the natural consequences of their actions (or lack of) and focus more on the end goal and how to get there. 

Coaching Program Rates

Like we said before, our goal is to work ourselves out of a job.  Depending on the child’s strengths and weaknesses and learning style, the average child requires 1-2 rounds of our 12-week program.  

While we ask for a 3- month commitment at a time we offer a variety of payment options to suit your financial needs:

§  Monthly payments with card on file:

o   Moth 1: $200

o   Months 2 and 3 $175 each (and ongoing if extending 3-months at a time). 

§  3-Month Payment in full for $10 off

§  6-Month Payment in full for 10% off

To Register: Contact us at info@casafelizcounseling.com or call 321-578-7488